Code of Conduct
QuiltCon is dedicated to providing a fun, safe, and harassment-free event for all. All participants must abide the MQG’s Community Guidelines for an event code of conduct.
In order to ensure a safe environment for everyone, all attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at MQG events are expected to:
- Act with kindness, fairness, honesty, integrity, and openness
- Respect the differing viewpoints of others and offer critiques or opinions with respect
- Treat all with equality and dignity, as they would wish to be treated
- Provide a healthy environment for the exchange of ideas
- Be inclusive – go out of your way to be inviting and welcoming to others, especially those you don’t know as well
- Encourage and support other members of our community
- Be proactive in educating yourself about diversity topics – if there are any terms or concepts in these guidelines that are unfamiliar to you, go to an internet search engine and look them up! Try searching for “diversity and inclusion” and see what you find. There are many great resources and the more you research these issues, the easier it will be to identify appropriate behaviors.
This applies to everyone regardless of age; gender; gender expression or identity; sexual orientation; race; color; creed; ancestry; ethnicity; language; nationality; place of origin; immigration status; parental status; marital/partnership status; socio-economic status; education level; political beliefs; religion (or lack thereof); physical, mental or developmental (dis)abilities; neuro(a)typicality; size; appearance; work and behavioral styles; the perspectives of each individual shaped by their nation, experiences and culture; quilting style or level of experience; or any of the numerous other characteristics that make us who we are.
Please note that any exclusions from this list were not intentional – if there is another factor of diversity that you wish to see reflected above, please contact
Attendees must abide terms and conditions set forth in registration process in addition to code of conduct. Failure to comply can result in expulsion from event.
Unacceptable behaviors
- Harassment – including (but not limited to) deliberate intimidation, stalking, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
- Discrimination – unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people; behaviors based on bigotry or implicit biases against a particular group.
- Making generalizations or reinforcing stereotypes about people who are different from you.
- Personal attacks or offensive verbal comments.
How to report unacceptable behaviors
If you experience or notice an unacceptable behavior by a member of the MQG community (including staff, board members, teachers/speakers, volunteers, members, sponsors, vendors, and event participants), or have any other concerns related to inclusion, please contact the Diversity & Inclusion Task Force at You may also report your concern to any member of the MQG Staff or Board or any official representative of the MQG at a MQG-hosted event.
The MQG will respond as promptly as we can to all reports. We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent. Anonymous complaints or observations can also be provided by filling out the Community Guidelines Complaint Form. Please understand that we may not be able to fully address complaints that are filed anonymously if we are not able to confirm the details.
Please be aware that the MQG prioritizes marginalized people’s safety and well-being over privileged people’s comfort. The MQG reserves the right not to act on complaints regarding:
- ‘Reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’
- Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,” “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you.”
- Communicating in a ‘tone’ you don’t find congenial
- Criticizing oppressive behavior or assumptions
- Personality conflicts and gossip
Response to unacceptable behaviors
MQG members or attendees of events who are asked to stop any unacceptable behavior are expected to comply immediately. If a participant (including vendors, speakers, and teachers) engages in harassing behavior, the MQG may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from all MQG spaces (without refunds of any fees).